Business and society : the Swedish model

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Forthomme & Associés

Seminar Business life | Friday June 8, 2007 - 9h30 - 12h

In France, the Swedish style of business and social life is often cited by politicians of both wings, as well as trade unionists, sociologists and other people in social life, a superb model which should be transposed to France, without anyone ever questioning whether it is possible, or even desirable to do so. Sweden is clearly a very appealing country : the average income is among the highest in the world, it has a particularly efficient social security system, enviable economic success, and a peaceful social climate. But what is it like to live there on a daily basis ? A Frenchman, married to a Swede, who divides his time between the two countries, and whose children are heavily influenced by both cultures, explains that behind the well-known appearances of a country which is now also a member of the European Community, lie deep-rooted and subtle differences. The Swedish model exists at a price, but do we want to pay that price ?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°68 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Manager les différences.

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