How Solvay puts its hope in start-ups

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Manager, start-ups project, Solvay


Director, R&D, Solvay

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday November 21, 2007 - 8h45 - 10h45

The Solvay group has entered into partnerships with start-ups present in its area of activity in several ways. Solvay has provided strategic investment in companies which are capable of developing interesting technologies either directly or using venture capital funds. It has given financial support to teams in the group which want to create spin-offs and commercialise inventions which the group itself does not want to develop. It has created joint ventures which have clearly defined projects, and it has become a host to small, technological companies on the central Solvay research site which may incidentally benefit from sophisticated infrastructures. The aim is to create new business trends for Solvay and stimulate the production of radical innovations, which, since the redevelopment of the group into business units and its decision to abandon fundamental research, have given way to innovative processes. These relationships with start-ups have given rise to a new movement, but in order for them to be completely successful it is necessary for financial sectors to become involved, and use to be made of the group's intellectual property so that viable partnerships can be established.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°71 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Cultiver ses racines pour s'ouvrir au monde.

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