Just how much disorder can we take ?

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Professor of management, Columbia Business School (New York)

Jean-Marc WELLER

Gérer & Comprendre journal

Seminar Business life | Wednesday February 13, 2008 - 8h30 - 10h 30

On the occasion of the publication of the French version of his 2007 book A Perfect Mess (Un peu de désordre = Beaucoup de profit(s), Flammarion), Eric Abrahamson talks in an often amusing and always stimulating way about the results of his research on disorder. This topic is often neglected not only in organisational management but also on an individual basis. The son of a painter from the Montparnasse area of Paris, Eric Abrahamson carried out some of his studies in France and conducted the session in French. Jean-Marc Weller, the author of a review of Abrahamson's work which appeared in the journal Gérer & Comprendre, hosted the discussion and put it into context.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°73 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Vaincre la fatalité et les inerties.

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