Keeping a touch of eccentricity ! French creation in seven questions

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Françoise MONTENAY

President, supervisory board, Chanel SAS, President, Comité Colbert

Seminar Creation | Tuesday September 16, 2008 - 8h45 - 10h45

Put your trust in creators ! This is Françoise Montenay's motto. However, creators' touch of eccentricity is often moderated by fainthearted marketing professionals, financiers who lack courage, insurmountable administrative tasks, and so on. Is this the reason why so few creative companies manage to survive in France ? In France, fashion, in particular, is taught like a separate discipline which has no place among the fine arts. French creators often lack a multidisciplinary culture. Even though they excel in the luxury goods market, manual and hand-craft professions are not considered sufficiently attractive. Paradoxically, foreign creators are often called upon to manage French brands. In these circumstances, putting one's trust in French creators and encouraging the spark of creative folly is even more necessary than before.

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