Managing the morale of troops

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Associate director, FVA management


Former War department Inspector


Human resources director, AXA

Seminar Business life | Friday June 5, 2009 - 9h30 - 12h

Morale is the key to the operational efficiency of an army : Clausewitz compared its role to that of the blade of a dagger. Morale also plays a crucial role in the current global crisis because the worst danger facing the entire capitalist system is not generalised economic failure but the lack of motivation, involvement and trust of employees, share-holders, clients and ultimately citizens. According to Frank Vermeulen, the author of a recent study for the Ministry of Defence, there are at least three different approaches (once disagreements about the meaning of words are put to one side). These include the universal approach, the 'French exception' approach, and opportunist approaches. General Jean-René Bachelet and Alain Rohaut use examples to outline their views on military and civilian matters, and explain the best way to manage the morale of troops both in peacetime and in times of crisis.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°81 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'âme des troupes.

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