Operation Andromede : the basis of a new territorial governance

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President, SEM Constellation

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Wednesday October 7, 2009 - 8h45 - 10h45

Joseph Carles, president of SEM Constellation and professor of management, wanted to convert two hundred and twenty hectares to the north of Blagnac in a way which he thought would reflect the times in which we live. His thinking included open discussion, network-based relations and leadership based on variable geometry ; giving priority to the opinions and wishes of elected representatives rather than the expertise of professionals ; accepting the possibility of uncertainty ; and confidence in the future. Triggered by the setting up of the A380 Airbus factory, 'Operation Andromède' was launched. The operation led to the construction of four thousand homes, two hundred and twenty thousand square metres of office space, the landscaping of seventy hectares of open, green space, as well as the installation of all the necessary infrastructure for the area's ten thousand inhabitants. All that now remains is to allow this marvel of equilibrium to flourish over the coming years despite problems which will inevitably arise, such as the unexpected disappearance of company tax.

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