Social solidarity in the insurance sector

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President, MACIF insurance company

Seminar Business life | Friday April 2, 2010 - 9h30 - 12h

The MACIF is a company with a social conscience. It campaigns for a more human, solidarity-based, responsible economy. Like other companies in the social economy, it knows how to balance the quality of services and financial results. In the current economic climate, is this model, based on subscriber control rather than shareholder control, capable of giving back meaning to our society ? Is it able to show the millions of MACIF subscribers what solidarity actually means ? How can one carry out day-to-day functions at the MACIF which are different from those of a limited company ? Gérard Andreck climbed up through the ranks of the MACIF before becoming its president in 2006. He is an important figure who is committed to the social economy. He tells the story of the MACIF and its evolution in the context of the financial crisis, while at the same time expressing his ideas about the future of subscriber controlled companies.

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