Intangible assets : making invisible values visible

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Deloitte, Director, 'La Tribune Sciences-Po de l'économie de l'immatériel' , Co-president, Commission for Innovation & Knowledge (Professions and Services Group)


CEO, Demos, Co-president, Commission for Innovation & Knowledge (Professions and Services Group)

Seminar Business life | Friday May 7, 2010 - 9h30 - 12h

In the 'intangible economy' or the 'economy of knowledge' currently prevalent in developed countries, a company can only be really competitive if it relies on intangible assets to advance its strategy. The most important of these assets are human capital (employees), innovation, and brands. This is particularly relevant to the service industry whose value is, for the most part, intangible. This industry accounts for 8.5 million jobs in France and more than half the added market value. Could the 'economy of knowledge' generate the 1 % growth and the 500,000 jobs which are currently so severely lacking in France ? This would only be possible if the economic and financial players involved in trade, non-trade and public sectors understand what the 'economy of knowledge' is, acknowledge it, and attempt to integrate it into their systems of governance.

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