Predicting future trends

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Nelly RODI

Founder and creative director, NellyRodi

Seminar Creation | Tuesday December 14, 2010 - 8h45 - 11h

Two concepts form the basis of the creation in 1985 of NellyRodi, currently one of the three most successful international design studios. The first is that fashion mirrors an era and therefore can be predicted. The second is that fashion and aesthetics are now present in most consumer products. NellyRodi applies new trends and consumer behaviour in order to help its customers (it has more than one thousand companies in about twenty countries) to choose their strategy with respect to brand positioning, composition and renewal of their collection, innovation and creation. They do this by constant brain-storming sessions which are supplemented by a system which enables the NellyRodi team to have a finger on the pulse of trends throughout the world. It combines methodical marketing approaches and uses creative teams which are more intuitive. All this, in the name of creation moving with the times.

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