Creating a new link between employers and employees

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Executive Vice President, IDRH Consultancy, Director, IDRH, Author, 'Restaurer la confiance dans l'entreprise' ('Restoring faith in the company') (Dunod, 2010)


Director, IDRH, Author, 'Restaurer la confiance dans l'entreprise' ('Restoring faith in the company') (Dunod, 2010)


Professor, Paris 7 University, Director, IDRH, Author, 'Restaurer la confiance dans l'entreprise' ('Restoring faith in the company') (Dunod, 2010)

Seminar Business life | Friday January 7, 2011 - 9h30 - 12h

Companies are going through a rough patch. Technologies are constantly creating imbalances, markets are both changing and difficult, rivals are extremely enterprising, and mergers and acquisitions are taking place all the time. It is a period when one has to be on one's toes all the time. But is this really widespread ? Maybe not… Gloom, lack of commitment and even disrespect are marks of the loss of trust felt by employees towards their companies. The contracts they signed when they joined appear to have been effectively broken : employees expected job security, career plans and a clear process of recognition, but companies can no longer, or no longer know, how to provide them with this. In the light of their findings and experience, the speakers debate the ways in which we can restore trust in companies. The answer is to have a new sort of contract as a basis for the relationship, linked to a number of ways in which each employee can endorse his professional commitment.

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