The Creative Lab : Google's showcase

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Thomas GAYNO

Marketing Manager, Google Creative Lab

Seminar Creation | Tuesday June 7, 2011 - 8h45 - 11h

The Creative Lab is part of the Google company. It is based in New York and handles the brand’s important projects. One of its objectives might be to remind people why they like Google. Although Google has become a worldwide phenomenon, it is important to demonstrate that Google has not forgotten the reasons for its success. The Creative Lab is the exact opposite of a traditional in-house design agency. It acts as an experimental showcase for Google, showing people the best of Google and its products. It perpetuates the original, creative and innovative spirit of the company. The Creative Lab employs sixty people, each with unique talents and a range of professional experiences, who work on hundreds of projects. Sometimes some of these people are already famous in their own sector. After its first two years, the Creative Lab has successfully managed to organise itself in a unique way while keeping its autonomy intact. It continues to embark on projects, each one more astonishing than the last.

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