Seminar Management of Innovation
Wednesday March 16, 2011
- 8h45 - 10h45
The ageing of the population results in a steady increase in the number of dependent people. Many companies have failed in their attempt to capitalise on this new market by using equipment which is more or less technical. After an initially unsuccessful experience, Avizen, a technological company in this sector, studied home-help structures and discovered from individuals and their families what was judged to be missing. The company noted a very clear need to co-ordinate home visits and to manage the constant changes to the dependent person's timetable. Its approach is to use an Internet portal and personalised website - soon to be available on iPhones and iPads - which can be easily used by the pensioners and their children. Avizen found this winning solution by attempting to understand as precisely as possible the expectations and requirements of its future clients. It now has to refine its economic model, and will need to be supported by an industrial group in order to do this.
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