Shared systems of technological transfer ans the promotion of research : examples and assessment

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Philippe GORRY

President, Réseau C.U.R.I.E. (French association for the promotion of research and technological transfer)

Christophe HAUNOLD

Director, Pôles de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur (PRES) promotion department, University of Toulouse

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday April 27, 2011 - 8h45 - 10h45

Most higher education establishments do not have the necessary financial means to manage activities linked to the promotion of research competently. In 2005, at the request of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the ANR (French national research agency) launched an appeal for projects entitled 'The shared organisation of technological transfer and the development of innovative projects'. The selected projects have resulted in the emergence of shared, regional structures which are often supported by new poles of research and higher education (PRES). This attempt to organise the promotion of public research is currently being extended in relation to future investments by the creation of Technology Transfer Acceleration Companies (SATT : sociétés d'accélération du transfert de technologies). Philippe Gorry and Christophe Haunold assess the Shared Systems of Technological Transfer (DMTT : Dispositifs Mutualisés de Transferts Technologiques) and assess the prospects for the functioning of future SATTs.

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