Rapid innovation

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Nicolas BRY

Director, Orange Vallée

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday September 21, 2011 - 8h45 - 10h45

In a company, innovation is the result of the dissemination of knowledge between the scientific, technological, the marketing, the innovation team and the other departments. It is important to speed up this dissemination in order to develop a new product in short iterations, to remain competitive, and to acquire new markets. Because the ‘abundant innovation’ model is not yet operational, Nicolas Bry suggests creating small, dedicated structures in industrial groups in order to speed up innovation. These structures would include teams whose members have a variety of functions and would promote a culture of ‘creative tension’. This culture would be characterised by ‘design thinking’ aimed at creating objects which ‘affect’ people’s imagination ; rapid and repetitive prototyping ; calling upon skills from outside the company in a strategy of ‘open innovation’ ; and identifying a clear, ambitious framework and a focus for innovation. Aligning part of the project portfolio with the group’s strategy (as a result of communication and advertising and permanent interaction) enables one to optimise the value of the innovation.

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