Finding one's way in uncertain situations

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Management consultant, Author, ‘Les mers de l’incertitude. Diriger en lâchant prise’(pub. Éditions du Palio, 2010)

Jean-Paul COTTET

Executive Director in charge of marketing and innovation, France Télécom


Senior Vice-President, Saint-Gobain


President, Sofinnova Partners

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday January 30, 2012 - 19h - 21h15

For a long time, during the heyday of Operational Research, it was thought that management science was able to control uncertainties and the vagaries which companies and organisations face. Even though some uncertainties are considerable, but can eventually be reduced to probabilities, other uncertainties, which are not so large, do not work like this. Unfortunately there are many more instances of the latter than the former. Should one then dispense with forecasting models ? Should one agree to live life in a foolhardy way ? Surely not, and the hypothesis which underlies this discussion is that one can always approach this very uncertain world with the minimum of method, as our speakers demonstrate.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°96 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Danse avec l'incertain.

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