La Maison des Babayagas : is it a realistic utopia ?

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Thérèse CLERC

Founder, La Maison des Babayagas, a self-run retirement home

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Wednesday January 11, 2012 - 10h - 12h

Thérèse Clerc had a vision about making growing old a crowning achievement in its own right. She decided to share this idea with other women who, when the time comes, hope to benefit from this time. Throughout their lives, their time has been dictated by work and family obligations, and now, too often, they live in insecurity. So, with the same pugnacity with which she fought other feminist struggles which have made her the woman she is today, Thérèse Clerc and her female friends battled for the Maison des Babayagas to become a reality. This retirement home is a cultural place where women can live, share experiences with each other, and converse. It is also an active, militant place with a social conscience, and reflects the political and social vision of an ageing process. This can be experienced in a different way, and one in which these women, who are looking to sow seeds for the future, still find the youthful vigour to uphold/which these women, who are still young at heart and sowing seeds for the future, are inviting us to experience in a different way.

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