A graduate of HEC, she specializes in the economics of culture. After studying theater and philosophy in England, she began her career in the heart of the performing arts, at the Théâtre national Dijon Bourgogne, before joining the Festival Paris quartier d'été and the Maison de la culture MC93 in Bobigny. In 2000, she became director of productions and programming, then general secretary of the Théâtre national de Chaillot, where she remained for nine years before joining the adventure of Marseille-Provence 2013 on the occasion of the title of European Capital of Culture, as project director. There, she led hundreds of programs throughout the Bouches-du-Rhône region, in partnership with public authorities, cultural actors and local businesses. In 2014, she became Director of Culture for the City of Cannes, before joining Bordeaux, in 2016, as General Director of Cultural Affairs, and interim Director of the CAPC - Museum of Contemporary Art. Since 2020, she has been the General Director of Culture for the SOS Group, Europe's leading social enterprise.

A participé à la séance suivante

La culture, transformatrice des territoires ? L’expérience hors normes de Marseille-Provence 2013

February 16, 2023 | Seminar Creation | Session report

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