Jean-Michel FRIXON

He worked at Michelin's Clermont-Ferrand sites for 43 years, joining the plant at the age of 17 as a courier and ending his career as a HGV tyre inspector on an RX machine. He wrote a book about his carreer, Michelin, Matricule F276710, which was followed by a second, L'ouvrier qui murmure à l'oreille des cadres. Since the publication of his two books, he has been invited by France's leading business schools to talk about the importance of management in companies. A keen sportsman, he has reached the highest level in race walking, having been eight times French champion, twice European champion and three times world champion, all topped by six caps for the French national team. He has twice successfully climbed Mont Blanc.

A participé à la séance suivante

A managerial revolution at Michelin

April 5, 2024 | Seminar Business life | Session report

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