Annabelle GAWER

She holds the Chair of Digital Economics at the University of Surrey (UK), where she directs the CoDE (Centre of Digital Economy). She is also a visiting professor at the IMD (International Institute for Management Development). An internationally renowned pioneer on the subjects of digital platforms and innovation ecosystems, she is the author of four books and over forty articles on these subjects. Her latest book, Plateformes - Le business model qui domine le monde (Dunod, 2022), was co-authored with Michael Cusumano (MIT) and David Yoffie (Harvard Business School). She advises companies on their platform strategy and how to develop connected ecosystems. She also advises European and national regulators on the regulation of digital platforms, having been a digital expert at the UK Competition & Markets Authority, an expert at the Commission's Digital Platforms Observatory, and the author of the report 'Online Platforms: Economic and Societal Effects' (2021) for the European Parliament. She holds a doctorate from the MIT Sloan School, a master's degree from Stanford and a degree as ingénieure des mines. She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Mines Paris - PSL.

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