Joined Dassault Systèmes in 1983. Having managed teams in charge of new technologies and created a department devoted to strategy and research in 1986, he became R & D director in 1988. He was nominated managing director in 1995. He introduced change in Dassault Systèmes with the view to help companies develop, simulate and optimise the life cycle of their products. This included the development of the CATIA-CADAM architecture, development of the PLM portfolio with the creation of DELMIA, ENOVIA and SMARTEAM, and a vast access to 3-D with the acquisition of SolidWorks and Spatial. He is a graduate of the Ecole normale supérieure (Cachan) and is still a member of the teaching staff there.

A participé à la séance suivante

3-D : a revolution in management

November 5, 2004 | Seminar Business life | Session report

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