Agat Films : a group project

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Filmmaker, producer and CEO, Agat Films

Seminar Creation | Tuesday January 22, 2013 - 8h45 - 11h

The profession of film producer is very depressing because it involves failure. Having experienced failure, some young, independent film producers decided to create Agat Films which, years later, has become one of the largest production companies in the business. The company is not a co-operative in the legal sense of the term, but today it has about ten owners who each have the same number of shares and the same salary. It is not for this reason that it is a reference : each person should be able to remain autonomous, work according to his very personal tastes, and be proud of what he produces. Even though the company was created to reconcile the principle of pleasure (individual desire) with the principle of reality (financial partnership), it was also founded to prove that a project undertaken by a group is financially possible. This also means that one has to find ways of staying together as a group when the company starts becoming successful.

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