Digital publishing  : a case study

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Co-founder and associate director, Versilio, Susanna Lea Associates

Seminar Creation | Tuesday May 14, 2013 - 8h45 - 11h

Judging from its various activities (finding literary topics, discovering texts and authors with publishing potential, helping and supporting authors, promoting publications, etc.), Versilio is clearly a publishing house. However, this relatively recent company founded in 2008 as a digital publisher, has decided to work together with partners for its books in print, in order to focus more on creative aspects and communication. It specialises in promoting publications and is particularly interested in multimedia content, which it makes a priority with its authors from the outset, and may even be a determining factor in the projects chosen. Versilio also manages all the copyrights generated by a text. Although Versilio is an important publishing house which has in-house talent in the digital field and promotion field, it only publishes about fifteen books every year. Is this a result of its positioning which is staunchly international, or a necessity when one is the publisher of renowned authors such as Marc Levy ? Or, alternatively, has Versilio found the right recipe for developing a successful publishing company in this digital age ?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°103 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Réinventer l'avenir.

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