The international transformation of the Somfy Group HE INTERNATIONAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE SOMFY GROUP

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Jean-Philippe DEMAËL

Directeur général de Somfy Activités, Membre du directoire du groupe Somfy

Seminar Industrial adventures | Tuesday March 18, 2014 - 17h30 - 19h30

Somfy, a company originally established in the Haute-Savoie region of France, specialises in the automatic control of openings and closures in the commercial and residential sector. It has four core businesses: shutters and awnings, blinds, access and security, and home automation systems. In 2008‚ its majority shareholder recruited Jean-Philippe Demaël‚ an engineer from the Ecole des mines and previously CEO of ArcelorMittal Inox in Brazil. He was able to strengthen the Group’s position as world leader during a period of economic crisis. Somfy has 7,900 employees in 60 countries. Its turnover was 930 million Euros in 2013, 70 % of which was generated abroad. Jean-Philippe Demaël explains the features of the companies which have made it successful. They include a capacity for innovation, a policy of internationalisation, a marketing culture, an industrial model, the quality of recruitment, a very strong corporate culture and the desire to do something worthwhile in sectors other than just business per se.

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This session was published in issue n°109 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Face au monde.

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