From Fimalac to Webedia: a view of the digital world

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Véronique MORALI

President, Webedia board of directors

Seminar Digital and entrepreneurial transformations | Monday January 18, 2016 - 18h00 - 19h30

The Fimalac holding company was created in 1991 by Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière. As well as being involved in the management of this company‚ Véronique Morali was also interested in the digital sector, and founded the on-line magazine for women ‘Terrafemina’ in 2008. The magazine grew quickly and additional financial means were necessary for it to continue its progress. When Webedia‚ the successful French company specialised in on-line media‚ wanted to open its capital‚ Véronique Morali convinced Fimalac to invest in it in order to create a powerful pole in the digital sector. The investment took place in 2013. The digital sector is a unique world with its own communication vocabulary and methods of advertising where skills are very quickly obsolete and business models change every eighteen months. Webedia is growing very quickly, both in Europe and throughout the world, but its management remain very aware that the situation may change at any moment. 

This seminar was organised with help from Cap Digital

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°120 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled La révolution sourde.

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