‘Society’: the written press’s troublemaker

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Managing director, So Press

Brieux FÉROT

Development director, So Press

Seminar Creation | Tuesday October 11, 2016 - 8h45 - 11h00

The first edition of the magazine ‘Society’ appeared in March 2015. At a time when the digital sector is booming and the magazine press readership is continually falling, the launch of a new, print magazine does not go unnoticed. The small independent group which launched ‘Society’, So Press, started out with the publication of the ‘So Foot’ football magazine. With a group of friends, Franck Annese decided to create a publication combining know-how with philosophy whose style could be summed up by the ‘rule of the three Hs’; humour, a human perspective, and history. This rule was also the basis of the model on which the company grew, constantly open to new ways of adding value to a publishing empire developed by a sole editorial board. The launch of ‘Society’ was seen as a ‘litmus test’ for the group and for a model which questions the future evolution of the media. How can one make sure that the necessary structure will perpetuate the enthusiasm, culture and entrepreneurial spirit?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°124 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Garder la ligne.

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