Lippi: digital transformation, version 2

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Frédéric LIPPI

President, Lippi

Seminar Industrial adventures | Tuesday April 18, 2017 - 17h30 - 19h30

Lippi, a SME (small and medium sized entreprise) from the Charente region employing two hundred people, launched a digital transformation in 2008. This was welcomed by a large number of observers as one of the most complete and radical transformations in France. Frédéric Lippi, who was named ‘digital boss of the year’ in 2014 by the magazine ‘L’Usine Digitale’, returns to the École de Paris du management to explain how changes in attitude which emerged with the arrival of the digital culture, a more open approach to the outside world, shared information and collaborative habits not only had a positive, practical impact on how the company worked, but also changed the company’s vision profoundly and even its economic model. Now the company no longer sells fences but ‘free space’. 

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°128 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le mouvement perpétuel.

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