The fabulous destiny of the Somme Bay railway

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Maurice TESTU

President, The Somme Bay railway preservation society (association Chemin de fer de la baie de Somme)

Seminar Creation | Tuesday December 12, 2017 - 8h45 - 11h00

The Somme Bay railway was inaugurated in 1887 at the height of the French railway boom. However, it fell into disuse during what was considered to be the inevitable post-war decline. Nonetheless, there were a handful of train-lovers who refused to let it disappear. They had neither the financial means nor the technical or legal knowledge, but they formed a society with the aim of creating a tourist attraction in place of a public service, and they found the necessary finances in order to preserve the railway heritage. Operations, which started in 1971, grew in size, took form and even resembled a professional company. The society was able to continue with the huge investments necessary to maintain the equipment and facilities. The railway became the second largest tourist activity in the département, and employs twenty-five people, which was more than the number employed when the train service was closed. The Somme Bay railway preservation society has to think about future projects constantly and making sure that it remains a permanent place of learning for its teams, employees and volunteers.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°133 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Engagement et management.

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