The Post Office: the leading provider of local services?

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Director, social commitment department, the French Post Office Group

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday December 4, 2019 - 9h00 - 11h30

The Post Office has been affected by widespread digital technology, the emergence of extremely powerful economic actors, climate change and an ageing population, all of which have prompted a search for deeper meaning. In response to this situation, the Post Office has reinvented itself and become the leading company providing local services. It is committed to helping people in regions to find satisfaction in their everyday life; contributing to the local economy; and being the preferred partner for those involved in the social and solidarity-based economy. It has created new services such as a surveillance scheme for the older generation (‘Parent-watch’: ‘Veiller sur mes parents’). It is trying to become the leading provider of secure digital services for everyone, and is promoting the democratisation of a more inclusive digital industry. By also undertaking a large number of initiatives regarding the environment, the Post Office is making profound changes to its business model and reinventing its public service objective.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°143 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Un monde de flux.

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