A solidarity mission at the SNCF (The French railway company)

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Project Leader of the Solidarity Mission, SNCF (French national railway company)

Seminar Social life | Thursday February 12, 1998

In response to passengers' feelings of insecurity in train stations as well as on trains, and faced with the present level of social discontent, the SNCF created a solidarity mission in 1993. On the one hand, the mission proposes social assistance in the form of emergency accommodation for the homeless, as well as healthcare and the possibility for marginal people in extremely precarious situations to meet social workers. On the other hand, "peace-keepers" recruited as part of the town employment scheme act as mediators in trains particularly with regards to young people. In this way, the SNCF also participates in job creation and this year will provide jobs for one thousand four hundred young people. However, will it be possible to provide a future for these youngsters who, once recruited, have acquired a precious know-how ?

The entire article was written by:

Patricia DAHAN

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