Seminar Guest speakers
Monday October 9, 2000
“They established their start-up enterprise and lived free, happy and rich …”. The endings of the stories about new economy are often similar to fairy tales; it seems that the dreadful economic nineties should be followed by an economic well being like in year 2000, age of the internet and new economy. However the picture has become gloomier for some time yet : the up and down moves of the Nasdaq index are disturbing the shareholders, the start-up enterprises which began in the cheerful mood of boards formed by students issued from prestigious schools of university level, are meeting the same problems as the common small enterprises when their staff increase or when the uncertainties about their future change into risks of bankruptcy.
How will they meet these challenges ?
The entire article was written by:
This session was published in issue n°28 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled
Demandez-moi l'impossible .
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