Redeploying employees as entrepreneurs

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Managing Director, SODESI (redeployment subsidiary of Air France) , President, DIESE (Développement de l'initiative et de l'entrepreneuriat chez les salariés: “Development of employees’ initiatives and entrepreneurship”)

Seminar Social life | Thursday February 8, 2001

Since the end of 1995, the SODESI has helped the redeployment of more than one thousand employees as a result of the initial recovery plans and subsequent development plans of Air France, either with a view to helping them find a job or creating their own company. SODESI is motivated primarily by economic factors. Air France does not pay unemployment contributions, and realised that helping employees find a job was less costly than paying unemployment benefit for personnel leaving the company. The redeployment of employees ultimately proved to be a valuable means of improving recruitment. In addition, according to Patrice Simounet, it is in the companies’ interest to encourage development in the regions where they are established. Several big companies have come to the same conclusion, and have decided to join forces in order to develop the potential for the creation of employees’ business enterprises.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°31 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled La vie moderne.

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