The closure of Superphénix

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Jean-Pierre AUBERT

Prime Minister's representative, Superphénix project

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Director in charge of restructuring Superphénix, Prefecture of the département of Isère

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Jean-Pierre GALLEN

Eléctricité de France, delegation in charge of industrial sites, Paris

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Jean-François CHEMAIN

Eléctricité de France, delegation in charge of industrial sites, South-East

Seminar Social life | Thursday September 20, 2001

It was a risky gamble to construct Superphénix. Even more so since the advanced economic hypotheses to justify its operation were not borne out. Following technical modifications, the power station was on stand-by in February 1997. It could not operate without a new decree. Was it really desirable ? The government finally decided to close it down. The Prime Minister put Jean-Pierre Aubert in charge of studying the problems resulting from the abandonment of the project. It emerged that the employees of the company and its subcontractors, the local representatives, the local authorities and surrounding shopkeepers each had reason to resent the closure. Nevertheless, the decision was confirmed in February 1998 and the dismantling process had to be carefully co-ordinated. Closing down a nuclear power station is no small task : it takes several years before it is finished !

The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

This session was published in issue n°33 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Reconstruire.

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