Building an empire on good food

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Jean-Paul BUCHER

Président du Conseil de surveillance du groupe FLO

Seminar Business life | Friday January 11, 2002

Jean-Paul Bucher dreamed of setting up his own business. His only qualification was as a chef, but he worked very hard with only one purpose in mind, namely to make enough money to buy a business, and then find the business for which he longed. It involved a huge effort, but he really believed in it. Thus began an extraordinary adventure which forty-five years later is still full of ups and downs. Starting off as an innkeeper, he bought famous establishments and maintained their standards. He then became the owner of a chain of catering businesses which he made into an industry. In the process, he realised that as long as the modern woman liked entertaining but did not like cooking, a " gastronomic SOS service" had a bright future. Now he is developing his company abroad. Jean-Paul Bucher's business is a success story. He tells us why.

The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

This session was published in issue n°36 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Patrons.

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