Are industrial transformations vehicles for public modernisation ?

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Researcher, CGS, École des Mines de Paris

Frédérique PALLEZ

Researcher, CGS, École des Mines de Paris

Jean-Pierre AUBERT

Government Industry Inspector, Former interdepartmental director for the re-industrialisation of the site of Creil

Seminar Social life | Thursday January 17, 2002

France has entered into a phase of permanent industrial transformation. Closures of large factories are depicted by the media as symptomatic of this fact. On a local scale, the energy, pragmatism and know-how of certain individuals at all levels sometimes enables collective action to be carried out. Drawing on the examples of some of these actions, Franck Aggeri and Frédérique Pallez pinpoint the principles for an "implementation of restructuring" and a new model of State intervention which should henceforth gain legitimacy in the field.

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