How can one reconcile hunters and ecologists ?

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Technical adviser to the managing director of the Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage (National office for hunting and wildlife)

Seminar Social life | Wednesday March 26, 2003

In 1994 and in 2000, France was condemned by the European Court of Justice because of its calendar for the start of the hunting season for migratory birds, and in 1999 by the Court of Human Rights because of the contradictions between property rights and the law regarding the ACCAs (associations communales de chasse agréées : authorised local council hunting associations). The July 2000 hunting law, which Paul Havet helped draw up, is not adequate, since there is no real negotiation between the different parties to ease the conflicts. The Economic and Social Council deliberated on the question of hunting in 2002, and Paul Havet was again associated with this motion which led to a recommendation adopted by 130 votes out of 149. Instead of allowing hunting to decline slowly, we ought to give it new rules so that it can find its place in society ! This view was welcomed favourably by the Fédération nationale des chasseurs (National Hunting Federation), but was received more coolly at the associations for the protection of nature. How does one find common ground for agreement in such a passionate field ?

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