Disability in companies

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Adviser to the President of EdF (Eléctricité de France), General Secretary of the Fédération Handisport; deputy mayor of Jonzac

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Bernard TOCAIL

EdF (Electricité de France), in charge of the report on disability

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Company medical officer EdF (Eléctricité de France); doctor in the restoration of motor functions

Seminar Social life | Thursday April 24, 2003

Living in France and being handicapped is a difficult situation. There are more than three million people in this category. Even if 5 % of them manage to continue their studies to a senior level, there are still 85 % who have no more than a vocational training qualification. Later on, recruitment in a company is only possible if the company respects the 1987 law. Those who do find a job have to be able to get themselves to their place of work which has to be equipped properly to accommodate them. Three handicapped EdF executives explain how one can achieve better social integration of disabled people. They contribute actively to let their case be known to all the members of their company, at all levels, so that handicapped employees can be considered full colleagues. They also encourage other handicapped people to come to terms with themselves and to carry out a stimulating activity, which is the best way of overcoming their handicap.

The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

This session was published in issue n°43 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'affrontement des identités.

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