EGOS : an association with a difference

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Jean-Claude THOENIG

Research Director, CNRS (Dauphine Recherche en management, équipe DMSP), Sociology Professor at INSEAD, Founding member and first president of EGOS

Seminar Working breakfasts | Thursday November 6, 2003

In a conventional world, they dreamed of being different from others. They were teachers and researchers in Europe. They dreamed of a place where they could meet and freely debate the enormous subject of organisational studies. So they created EGOS the European Group for Organisational Studies, an enterprise which had seemed improbable for a long time, carrying out imprecise activities, but with increasing success. In a changing world where the American business school model has become the norm, where economic and sales aspects have become established, and where everyone thinks in the same way, was it possible for EGOS with its individual identity to survive ? In view of the dominant American model, Egos is increasingly proving to be an alternative.

The entire article was written by:

Thomas PARIS

This session was published in issue n°46 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Aventures un peu folles.

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