Village headmen and sorcerers in record companies

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Pascal NÈGRE

Chairman and managing director, Universal Music France

Seminar Creation | Tuesday February 8, 2005

Promoting local musicians is an important element for the major companies in the music industry such as Universal, which owes its position as leader in the French market to an historical tradition of local development. Whereas the system is organised so that the spotlight is almost exclusively on the artist, the producer plays an important role in the creative process by taking part, or even initiating, artistic choices when the albums are being compiled. His other role is to manage the artists. In small, traditional organisations, this consists of teaching the artist to accept failure and giving him what he needs most : love.

The entire article was written by:

Thomas PARIS

This session was published in issue n°57 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Création.

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