From Arles to the Goncourt Prize : the foundations for the success of the Actes Sud publishing house

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Françoise NYSSEN

President, board of directors, Actes Sud

Seminar Creation | Tuesday April 26, 2005

The publishing world is steering a course in troubled waters. The era of a balance between two important groups and a few large independent publishing houses seems to be over. Now is the time for restructuring and making important changes. In this context, Actes Sud is trying hard to maintain its course, which is, above all, motivated by a passion for the profession. To achieve this, this medium-sized company, whose headquarters are in Arles, has had to make a certain number of difficult decisions since its creation. These include the choice to be independent at all costs; vertical integration; and business growth by means of appropriate alliances. Added to this is the desire to maintain its methods of organisation and procedures in its choice of books. This guarantees independence with the editors having the final say.

The entire article was written by:

Thomas PARIS

This session was published in issue n°57 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Création.

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