Searching for the way in China

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Seminar Business life | Thursday October 12, 2006 - 8h30 - 10h30

At the end of 2002, Dominique Poiroux left France to manage a Danone business unit in China, with nothing but a few basic ideas on the local lifestyle, the Traité de l’efficacité (Treaty of Efficiency) by François Jullien and the enigmatic blessing of Franck Riboud: “after all, you are a bit Chinese !” On arriving, he discovered the two-fold pressure that is permanently on the shoulders of all expatriate managers : achieving results and keeping your teams together. He then started on a daily quest for meaning, learning a very different rhythm than he had become used to at the École polytechnique, becoming aware of ideas such as listening and patience, discovering a cultural universe that was strangely similar and yet deeply foreign. Four years later, Dominique Poiroux has certainly not yet become Chinese, but he is definitely no longer entirely French.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°64 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled La rencontre des cultures.

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