A network of reciprocal exchanges of knowledge : innovation in the french post office

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Chef de projet RERS La Poste Courrier

Seminar Social life | Thursday October 15, 2009 - 18h - 20 h

The RERS (Réseau d'échanges réciproques de savoirs : network of reciprocal exchanges of knowledge) is an approach which dates back to the 1970s and was adopted by Claire Héber-Suffrin, a primary school teacher (who also happened to have a PhD in psycho-sociology). In 2006, this approach was adapted to the letters department of the French Post Office, La Poste Courrier. The RERS network currently involves 700 people. Exchanges take place face-to-face or by telephone. This method is based on important, human principles (such as reciprocity, voluntary participation, trust, confidentiality and equality) and operates using a rigorous methodology. It is complementary to traditional training, but differs as a result of the very precise nature of offer and demand, prior agreements concerning the content of the exchange, and its brevity (1 to 2 hours for each exchange). Those in the network find it very efficient, and it provides multiple benefits, both for people and the company, such as the improvement of knowledge, personal development, better integration into new jobs, and the enhancement of the relationships within the network.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°82 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Regarder loin pour voir autrement.

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