The ligh-horsemen of sid or how a small organisation manges to accomplish its ideals

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Director general, Association française des volontaires du progrès (AFVP - French Association of Volunteers of Progress)

Seminar Social life | Thursday June 18, 2009 - 9h - 11h30

On April 1st, 1965, nine Volunteers of Progress, bound for Africa, were received at the Elysée Palace by the French president, Charles de Gaulle. This signalled the beginning of a saga which has lasted more than forty years, and which will continue to enable thousands of young people to get to know more about themselves, and at the same time learn more about different cultures. Inextricably linked to the vicissitudes of French foreign policy, the Association française des volontaires du progrès has had a somewhat bumpy ride throughout its history. The association has sometimes been neglected, but it has always remained true to its values of solidarity and humanism. Nowadays, it presents an original model of governance, reconciling political issues with imperatives of non-profit organisations in a subtle balance, which, with the passage of time, it has acquired experience.

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