The techniques of liberated architecture

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Ingénieur et architecte, Directeur associé T/E/S/S

Seminar Creation | Tuesday September 15, 2009 - 8h45 - 11h

Interaction between architect and engineer is essential from the very beginning of any architectural project. Some buildings are so complex that one has to resort to computer technology and the most modern industrial techniques so that they can be built. The T/E/S/S agency is at the interface between these two areas attempting to integrate the concerns of the architect with the work of the engineer. It beings together the ideas of these two professional disciplines which are sometimes very disparate: an architect may be blind to digital simulations which are fundamental to the engineer's work enabling him to realise the most challenging creations. However, despite the intrusion of the engineer into creative processes, it does not follow that all sorts of shapes can be made from every sort of substance. In addition, one should not forget that as well as having architectural feats, a building should be fit for purpose.

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