Managing a company like an orchestra

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Conductor and choirmaster, Corporate consultant

Seminar Creation | Tuesday April 13, 2010 - 8h45 - 11h

Sometimes a company manager is likened to the conductor of an orchestra, a person capable of creating harmony from a heterogeneous group, blending them into a common unit while making the most of their individual talents. Over a number of years, companies have ventured into the art world on the basis that renewed approaches may help to solve problems, ease tensions and make working teams stronger. Michel Podolak suggests that by studying a few fundamental principles of how orchestras work, we may understand corporate practices better. This includes a clear musical score which is not questioned by the conductor ; unconditional respect and attention from the musicians ; and the need to anticipate situations constantly. However, such comparisons have their limitations, and therefore each company must assess its own unique characteristics.

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This session was published in issue n°86 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Pour stimuler les hommes, il faut les aimer.

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