He graduated from the french Institut Supérieur de Gestion in 1992 - the same year as his wife, Anne-Sophie Pic - and began his career at Maison Pic in 1993, following the sudden death of Anne-Sophie's father, Jacques Pic. Together, they developed an international restaurant group around the "flagship" in Valence, winning back 3 stars in 2007, and with establishments in Paris, London, Lausanne, Megève, Singapore, and soon Hong Kong and Dubai. In 2014, he was elected President of Les Grandes Tables du Monde, an association of 177 establishments worldwide, representing the world's gastronomic elite by 2023.

A participé à la séance suivante

The Pic Group’s recipe for highlighting its chef’s talent

September 13, 2023 | Seminar Creation | Session report

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