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Mathieu LE ROUX

Graduate of the HEC (Hautes Etudes Commerciales) Business School, specialising in entrepreneurship. He took part in publishing as well as film and communications projects for his School and he has worked in innovation consultancy, the Internet, and marketing in France, the United States (with Pascal Baudry) and Brazil. Having read a book by Muhammad Yunus (the founder of the first bank using the system of micro-credit), Mathieu Le Roux decided to make entrepreneurs aware of sustainable development. He is the co-founder of the project entitled Tour du Monde en 80 Hommes (Around the World in 80 Men), and author of the book 80 Hommes pour changer le Monde - Enterprendre pour la Planète (80 Men to change the World – Enterprise for the planet : published by JC Lattès, April 2005). He divides his time between his work as a consultant in sustainable innovation (for the BeCitizen consultancy) and attempting to publicise this new form of enterprise using the media.

A participé à la séance suivante

Around the world in 80 people

September 29, 2005 | Seminar Social life | Session report

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