Crisis and change

When the Ecole de Paris du management was created, it was agreed with EDF’s Institut du management (Management Institute), one of the sponsors of the Ecole, that a seminar which EDF had organised for some time, would thereafter be organised jointly. This seminar was renamed Crisis and Change. It examined how public and state organisations organised and overcame changes, (sometimes sudden), in order to withstand the pressure around them. Firstly, large public companies were examined, then large private companies, and finally, smaller organisations or those in industrial sectors. The seminar, chaired for the Ecole de Paris by Christophe Midler (Centre de Recherche en gestion de l'École polytechnique), finished its work in 1996 and was replaced by two seminars : Technological Resources and Innovation and Social Life.


Christophe MIDLER

Directeur de recherche émérite au CRG I3 et membre de l’Académie des technologies


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