Digital industrial platforms: a silent revolution?

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Christophe DESHAYES

Seminar presenter of ‘Digital transformations’ and in-house researcher, École de Paris du management


Digital Transformation Officer, Airbus

Thierry TROUVÉ

Managing director, GRTgaz

Seminar L'École de Paris vient chez vous | Tuesday November 19, 2019 - 17h30 - 19h30

The success and domination of the digital giants in the business-to-consumer market (B2C) is fascinating and worrying at the same time. Faced with these giants, some more traditional companies have also chosen to adopt a strategy of ‘platformisation’. Even though it remains discrete, a similar strategy is emerging in industrial sectors (B2C). Is an ecosystem – which can be characterised either by more transparency between the elements and categories of data in the same industrial sector, or when production, commercialisation and innovation are grouped together – necessarily synonymous with better performance, better use of existing resources, and better division of wealth between those involved? This debate draws its inspiration from three case studies, and explains how these transformations co-exist and operate in a heightened competitive environment.

This session was published in issue n°143 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Un monde de flux.

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