Molière's Le malade imaginaire with real amateurs

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Amateur conductor


Theatre director

Seminar Social life | Thursday March 14, 2002

Mathias Szpirglas and Rémi Moureau, conductor and director respectively, demonstrated the professionalism of amateurs by putting on the complete version of Molière's Le malade imaginaire, with music by Marc-Antoine Charpentier. How does one bring together forty volunteer musicians and actors to take part in a demanding project and keep them motivated during all the rehearsals ? The two project leaders learnt a great deal about the difficulties involved with delegating organisation, keeping to timetables and creating a feeling of group identity. In any case, the show was a success and those taking part in the production truly enjoyed themselves. Additionally, this first attempt allowed Mathias Szpirglas and Rémi Moureau to consider how to manage an amateur project. They certainly hope not to make the same mistakes in their new show. It remains to be seen if this is possible.

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