The renaissance of the ‘Parc de Bodélio’: a challenge for the next generation

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François d' ABOVILLE

Parc de Bodélio

Seminar Social life | Thursday October 21, 2004

At the end of the 19th century, François Forest, a pioneer in agro-industry, created the “Parc de Bodélio” out of a marvellous hydraulic system attributed to Alphand. This is a well-known brand but seriously threatened by the upheavals of the 1970s. François d’Aboville, his grandson, did not want to let this fantastic creation fall into disrepair. In 1992, after the registration of the entire park (450 hectares of which 365 are enclosed) in the supplementary Inventory of Historical Monuments, he devised a renovation project with support from the Gardens department of the Ministry of Culture, the département and various companies. This project won many prizes and caught the attention of the public and the media. This renaissance is not a show of nostalgia for a glorious past, but a need for common sense which cannot be found in contemporary life today.

The entire article was written by:

Michel BERRY

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